LAWNS—Care and Types—SuperSod




Early Spring - February through Early April. Omit fertilizer for these months. Your grass will be dormant, and you don’t want to promote growth during this time.

Pre-emergent exception: You may apply a low nitrogen weed & feed fertilizer from late February to early March to prevent weed seeds from germinating.

Limestone: During early spring, conduct a soil test to determine if the pH of your soil is too acidic. If the results of your soil test pH are too low, apply lime to your lawn. We recommend Pelletized Dolomitic Limestone

Spring- Late April through May. Apply 16-4-8 + Iron when all of your grass is green and completely out of dormancy.

Organic Lawn Care Alternative:  Instead of applying fertilizer, topdress your lawn with Soil3 organic humus compost. This will act as one application of fertilizer for the year and cut down on your chemical use.

Mid- Summer-  June through August. Apply 16-4-8 + Iron as your final application of fertilizer for the year. 

Fall and Winter- September through January. Omit fertilizer, as your grass will start to go dormant and temperatures decrease. You don’t want to disturb your grass as it prepares for winter dormancy.




Winter- December through Early February- Apply one application of 16-4-8 + Iron before the spring.

Early Spring- Late February through March- Apply a low nitrogen weed and feed fertilizer during these months to prevent the germination of weed seeds. We recommend 0-0-7 with .25% Barricade.

Limestone: During early spring, conduct a soil test to determine if the pH of your soil is too acidic. If the results of your soil test pH are too low, apply lime to your lawn. We recommend Pelletized Dolomitic Limestone.

Late Spring- April- Apply 16-4-8 + Iron 

Summer- May through August –Do not fertilize fescue at this time. To control fungus during this time, apply fungicide once the nighttime low temperatures are 60 degrees F or above.

Fall- Late September through November- Apply 16-4-8 + Iron once the temperatures begin to cool down. We know the timing of cool temperatures can be uncertain in the South, but play this one by ear.

Organic Lawn Care Alternative: In October, rather than applying 16-4-8, topdress your lawn with Soil3 organic humus compost. This will act as your fall fertilizer application and cut down on your chemical use.

Overseeding exception: If you’re seeding a new Fescue lawn or overseeding some problem areas, apply 5-10-30 + Iron to your newly seeded areas. 

Naturally, Helen